November 25, 2010


Thanksgiving... time to stuff up on good food right? Well sadly, as with most holidays now we forget the reason for the season. Thanksgiving is usually just the little break between wants, halloween "I want candy!" and then Christmas "I want presents!" and most of us forget how important it is to thank God for all that he has blessed us with! Of course we all know the Thanksgiving story and why we remember it, but do you really take the time to thank God? I challenge all of you to make a list of 100 things that you are thankful for, right now, you may be reading this post a while after Thanksgiving but it's never to late to be thankful.

November 22, 2010

What makes me smile...

Now this makes me smile...

... my lunch

To me this was a very good lunch, because chinese is my favorite food! And I also love iced mocha lattes, isn't the can so cute?? I know you may think me weird for saying a can is cute, but I have to say they did a very good job desiging that can, it makes it very appealing!

November 21, 2010

Epic Edits

Hello all. I only have one epic edit for today :( and that is...

... Lilacs! Ahem, "pretty" lilacs

I edited this photo using picnik its a really nice [and free] editing site if you are looking to edit. I took this picture in our neighbors yard, it had just rained and i looked outside and saw these beautiful [originally purple] lilacs covered with raindrops. It was very pretty so i grabbed my camera and ran outside, hoping to catch the beautiful site! Originally this picture wasn't so nice, but after editing it i think it turned out pretty well, an epic edit!

If you would like to join in the fun, please do so! All you have to do is make a post with one or more photos you have edited, and label it "Epic Edits". Then leave a post with a link to your blog, you don't have to but if you do I [and anyone who visits my blog] will be able to see it!